Thursday, September 13, 2018

Oakbrook Townhouses Board Meeting Minutes September 10 2018

Minutes of Board of Directors Meeting
September 10, 2018
Oakbrook Townhouse, Inc.
c/o Northwest Properties Agency, Inc.
9527 Bridgeport Way SW
Lakewood, WA 96499

The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of Oakbrook Townhouses (OT) was held September 10, 2018 at the home of Steve Rinnan, 7407 Zircon Drive SW, Lakewood, WA.

A quorum being present, Board President Ken Karch called the meeting to order at 7:10 PM.

Board members present were Al Glamba, Dave Hamann, Mike McDonald, Ken Karch,  Carol Rehnberg, and Steve Rinnan; as were members Jonel Anderson, Kathy Johnson, and Paul Wright; and Bill and Pat Price from Northwest Properties.


Hamann moved and Rehnberg seconded to approve the August 13, 2018 Board meeting minutes as presented.  The motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report

In Pearcy’s absence, Karch presented the Treasurer’s Report.  Following discussion, McDonald moved and Hamann seconded to accept the Treasurer’s report.  The motion passed.

Members Anderson and Wright expressed concerns about requested repairs at 7807 Zircon Drive.  Karch cited response emails from himself and Pat Price of NWP on the matters.

Old Business

Karch reported on progress on the slope stability issue and on internal water damage at 7421, where asbestos testing showed the presence of asbestos in the ceiling paint, requiring special treatment. It was pointed out that, at the time asbestos-containing paints were banned, manufacturers were given a transition period to eliminate inventory, creating mixed findings.  It was also pointed out that current best practice is to leave in place existing paint which does present a friability issue (able to be crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to powder by hand pressure).  NWP will seek additional bids for remediation and forward them to the roofer.

Karch reported that the hearings officer on the Chambers Creek Canyon Trail proposal had issued his report permitting the project to move ahead.  Several members along Zircon Drive attended.

Karch reported that the audit is proceeding.

Karch reported that the first three driveway proposals had been approved and are in the process of scheduling.  He recommended that the Board seek additional bids on the fourth driveway.  McDonald moved and Hamann seconded to ask NWP to seek additional bids for the driveway at 7415 Zircon.  The motion passed.

The committee (Glamba, Hamann, and McDonald) investigating needed wording changes to the CC&Rs and Bylaws to permit cluster mailboxes reported its recommendations. Following discussion, the Board agreed it needed the flexibility to locate mailboxes, subject to approval of the USPS, and that the wording proposed to the membership needed to reflect that.  McDonald moved that the Association would  purchase and maintain the cluster box structure, while individual owners would be responsible for their keys and the cost of lock replacement if necessary. The motion was seconded and passed.

Karch passed out a proposal for a tree trimming policy by Nancy Dilworth and asked Board members to review it for discussion at the next meeting.

New Business

McDonald moved and Rinnan seconded that the Board ask NWP to transfer $15,000 from the operating account to the insurance deductible reserve account to cover the insurance premium due in May, 2019.  The motion carried.

Next Meeting

The next Board meeting will be held October 8, 2018, at the home of Dave Hamann at 7533 Zircon Drive at 7:00 PM.

It was moved and seconded to adjourn the meeting.  The motion passed and the meeting was adjourned at 8:18 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Ken Karch, PE, Board President